18 Starcraft Launch 24 RLS sliding bathroom door won't open all the way

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Re: 18 Starcraft Launch 24 RLS sliding bathroom door won't open all the way

Post by pnevans » August 20th, 2019, 7:55 pm

if you look up at the top of the track, there is a screw that holds the stop. You can loosen the screw and move the stop over just a bit to allow the door to open further. (If you move it too far, the door will come out of the guide at the bottom. Hope that helps!

Marlin Mike
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18 Starcraft Launch 24 RLS sliding bathroom door won't open all the way

Post by Marlin Mike » July 10th, 2019, 11:04 pm

Hi the sliding bathroom/bedroom door on my 18 Launch 24 RLS only opens about half way. I looked and I can't see anything. Anybody had to deal with this before or have any ideas? Thanks in advance for any info.

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