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Re: Brakeaway Cable Broken

Posted: May 15th, 2018, 11:29 am
by cattzap
A side story on this subject. I had just repacked my wheel bearing before a trip. We were a couple of hours into it when we stopped for a break and fuel. The road had been repaved and the usual place we stop at had gotten the entrances changed and the angle was steeper. As I pulled in everything stopped. This was on our big 5'er. All 4 wheels locked. My thoughts went to om my I hope those bearings didn't' just all lock up. I was trying to figure out what was going on as people we all letting me know I was number one. My oldest son kept saying dad the wore is pulled out. I checked the big pigtail several times and it wasn't I decide to just drag it off the road. When i got back in the last time to do that he said dad its the other wire. Dang kid was smarter than me that day. A block had slid over and when the rig turned the breakaway cable got pulled out. Full voltage on 4 hubs and it was stopped. It happens.

Re: Brakeaway Cable Broken

Posted: May 15th, 2018, 1:07 am
by RoyBraddy
I ended up getting one of these CORD setups from The coiled up version cable eliminates the cable from dragging on the road surface.


It is strange however that your KEY did not pull out of the breakaway switch and broke your cable instead. I would looking into this to make sure it is all working like it should be. You want the key to be pulled out if the trailer becomes disconnected from the truck and for some reason this did not happen here with your setup...

Be aware while you are working on this problem to not let the KEY be pulled out for very long periods of time as this does apply maximum DC voltage from your trailer battery to the Electric Brake modules. They are not designed to operate with full DC voltage for long periods of time and may burn out on you...

Roy Ken

Re: Brakeaway Cable Broken

Posted: May 14th, 2018, 5:41 pm
by cattzap
You should review how your break away switch is mounted. if the cable breaks before the plunger pulls out, the brakes will never activate if needed.

Re: Brakeaway Cable Broken

Posted: September 1st, 2017, 2:50 am
by kuba122
Just replace the cable. I carry extra cable and parts in my stash onboard ... broke mine once too

Brakeaway Cable Broken

Posted: August 20th, 2017, 4:35 pm
by Dbparks2
I forgot to undo breakaway cable when pulling away from my 2018 Launch. The cable is broken in the middle
The pluncher is still intake and not pulled out. Can I just replace cable or is further action needed?
